Teaching Staff
- Name: Mr. Raje V.N.
- Designation: Principal
- Qualification: M. Pharm
- Area of Expertise: DSBM, Personality Development.
- Experience: 27 Years
- Email ID: vnr_raje@yahoo.com, 0647principal@msbte.com
- Name: Miss. More S.S.
- Designation: Lecturer
- Qualification: M. Pharm
- Area of Expertise: Pharmacology
- Experience: 09 Years
- Email ID: savitamore@gmail.com
- Name: Miss.Lokhande S.S
- Designation: Lecturer
- Qualification: B. Pharm
- Area of Expertise: Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology
- Experience: 05 Years
- Email ID: sarikalokhande04@gmail.com
- Name: Ms. Pawar Swati S.
- Designation: Lecturer
- Qualification: B.Pharm
- Area of Expertise : PGY & HCP
- Experience: 1 Years
- Email ID: swatipatil2323@gmail.com
- Name: Ms. Balte U.M.
- Designation: Lecturer
- Qualification: B.Pharm
- Area of Expertise: Pharmaceutics - II
- Experience: 2 Years
- Email ID: ujawalagaikwad95@gmail.com
- Name: Mr.Thavare R.B
- Designation: Lecturer
- Qualification: B.Pharm
- Area of Expertise: Pharmaceutics
- Experience: 1 Year
- Email ID: ranjeetthavare777@gmail.com
- Name: Ms.Patil Poonam Krishnat
- Designation: Lecturer
- Qualification: M.Pharm
- Area of Expertise: Social Pharmacy
- Experience: 1 Year
- Email ID: poonampatil2889@gmail.com
- Name: Ms.Mane S.S
- Designation: Lecturer
- Qualification: B.Pharm
- Area of Expertise: Pharmacotherapeutics
- Experience: 1 Year
- Email ID:
Technical Staff
- Name: Miss. Kadam S.S.
- Designation: Lab Technician
- Qualification : D. Pharm
- Area of Expertise :
- Experience : 09 Years
- Email ID : swapnalikadam2103@gmail.com
- Name: Mr. Ghadage G.V.
- Designation: Lab Technician
- Qualification : D. Pharm
- Area of Expertise :
- Experience : 09 Years
- Email ID : ganeshghadage85@gmail.com